During the COVID-19 pandemic, states could not take away Medicaid coverage from any residents enrolled in this program. In recent months, however, this has been changing. If you are on Medicaid, be sure to take some time to understand whether your coverage may be at risk
As states resume their Medicaid redetermination processes, they can now disenroll individuals who no longer meet Medicaid’s eligibility requirements. As a result, millions of people may lose health insurance coverage.
If you are unsure whether you will continue to receive Medicaid, you can contact Medicaid to review your enrollment status. Should your coverage end as a result of your state’s redetermination process, you may be able to purchase health insurance through the health insurance marketplace.
Because the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency lasted several years, some Medicaid enrollees have not undergone eligibility review since prior to 2020. Others, who may have joined Medicaid during the pandemic, have never been through the renewal process.
Below are the most recent statistics regarding Virginia:

You may not yet have received any kind of notification regarding whether you remain eligible for Medicaid. However, there are steps you can take to help ensure your state Medicaid agency has the information it needs to evaluate your eligibility and to renew your coverage promptly.
If you have moved or changed your phone number or email address, reach out to your Medicaid state agency to update your contact information.
Each state will send out a letter to your mailing address regarding your coverage. Be sure to keep an eye out for this communication in your mailbox.
You may be asked to fill out a Medicaid renewal form. If so, complete the form and return it as soon as possible.
If you are deemed ineligible for Medicaid coverage during the redetermination process in your state, you could obtain insurance via an employer or by purchasing an insurance policy on the Health Insurance Marketplace. State Medicaid agencies must assist as you transition to other coverage. The Affordable Care Act established the Health Insurance Marketplace, where individuals and families may purchase health insurance plans.
You may enroll in insurance via Healthcare.gov during certain set timeframes. Each year, Open Enrollment is from November 1 to January 15. However, if you lose Medicaid coverage, you may be eligible for a Special Enrollment Period, which gives you 60 days to enroll in a Marketplace health plan.
We are here to help if you have questions or need assistance in finding health insurance coverage.
